Elizabeth: “I used to have one son I loved with all my heart. Now I have two.”
In this courtroom thriller set in the late 1970s, a politically ambitious state’s attorney charges Elizabeth Daleiden with the murders of her father and two elderly neighbors in the 1950s. Her trial threatens to blow the lid off her Illinois farming community’s darkest secrets.
Ron Fritsch published Elizabeth Daleiden on Trial in 2016.
IndieReader: “ELIZABETH DALEIDEN ON TRIAL is crackling courtroom drama, chock full of great characterizations with a timely subtext of bias against gay couples.”
Feathered Quill Book Reviews: “Ron Fritsch has succeeded in crafting a dramatic story that hooks readers from the beginning. Fritsch provides his readers with a page-turning courtroom drama filled with unpredictable plot twists.”
Kirkus Reviews: “Fritsch’s historical legal drama reveals the seamy underbelly of a small Illinois farming community. The action moves quickly, and there are enough surprises to keep readers hooked to the end. Big-city life has nothing on small-town shenanigans in this enjoyable read with a serious message.”
Reader Views: “The novel keeps the reader tense until the very end when all is revealed. The plot is unique, and there are twists and turns in the story that keep it interesting throughout. The courtroom scenes build tension. The pages turn quickly. Readers of LGBTQ fiction and others who like a good mystery will enjoy this novel.”
US Review of Books: “Fritsch may have been born a natural mystery storyteller. Tips and clues are carefully planted. He skillfully builds tension and suspense. LGBTQ readers will respond to the love story. This 209-page mystery is surprising to the end.”
Elizabeth Daleiden on Trial won second place in the gay/lesbian category in the Reader Views Literary Awards for books published in 2016.
Elizabeth Daleiden on Trial was a finalist in the LGBT category of the 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.
For the complete reviews, please click on the links to the reviews above.
Audiobook and ebook editions of Elizabeth Daleiden on Trial are for sale on Google Play Books for $2.99 each. A paperback edition is available for purchase for $9.99 at Amazon. Readers may purchase the ebook edition for $2.99 at Amazon and many other online bookstores. The first chapter and more are free to read with Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature.